0316-8628591 销售:18600972443

ZRCT P200M 微机保护装置

  • 型号:ZRCT P200M |
  • 规格:
  • ZRCT P200M 微机保护装置Microcomputer Protection Series Products ZRCT P200M Microcomputer Protection ..

ZRCT P200M 微机保护装置_详细介绍

ZRCT P200M  微机保护装置
Microcomputer Protection Series Products
ZRCT P200M Microcomputer Protection Device

产品简介Product Profile
ZRCT P200M系列微机保护装置是我公司为了适应电力系统各发电厂、变电站、配电站等对继电保护的要求而专门开发的新一代微机型继电保护设备,为35kV及以下电压等级线路、变压器、电动机、电容器、PT等一次设备提供完善的保护功能。产品外观经过精心设计,可以直接安装在各种开关柜上,也可集中组屏安装。
ZRCT P200M series microcomputer protection device is to adapt to the power system of the power plants, substations, distribution stations and other requirements for relay protection and specially developed a new generation of microcomputer relay protection equipment. It provides perfect protection function for primary equipment such as 35kV and below voltage grade line, transformer, motor, capacitor, PT, etc. The appearance of the product has been carefully designed, which can be installed directly on various switchgear cabinets, or can be installed in a centralized group of screens.

■保护功能Protection function
◆ 速断保护
◆ 过流Ⅱ段保护
◆ 过流Ⅲ段保护
◆ 过压保护
◆ 低压保护
◆ 零序过压
◆ 零序过流
◆ 非电量保护
◆ Instantaneous overcurrent protection
◆ Overcurrent Section II Protection
◆ Overcurrent Section III Protection
◆ Overvoltage protection
◆ Low Voltage Protection
◆ Zero Sequence Overvoltage
◆ Zero Sequence Overcurrent
◆ Non-Electricity Protection

■测量和监视功能Measurement and monitoring functions
The measurement accuracy is up to 0.5, and the anti-interference ability is strong. Measurements include: Phase current, phase voltage, line voltage, etc. It can also monitor non-electric signals such as temperature and gas.

■事件记录功能Event Recording Function
256 events can be recorded online with resolution less than 1 millisecond. When the working power supply of the device is lost, the recorded events can be permanently retained.
■远程通信功能Telecommunication function
It has one-way RS485 communication interface.
适用范围Scope of application
◆ 进线保护
◆ 出线保护
◆ 环网柜保护
◆ 母线分段保护
◆ 高压电容器组保护
◆ 高压电抗器保护
◆ 高压电动机保护(无差动保护要求)
◆ 厂用变压器保护
◆ Incoming line protection
◆ Outgoing line protection
◆ Ring Network Cabinet Protection
◆ Bus Section Protection
◆ Protection of High Voltage Capacitor Bank
◆ High Voltage Reactor Protection
◆ High Voltage Motor Protection (No Differential Protection Requirements)
◆ Factory transformer protection

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