0316-8628591 销售:18600972443


  • 型号:ZRCTK |
  • 规格:
  • 产品简介Product Profile智能数显仪表适用于电力电网、自动化控制系统中队电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率..


产品简介Product Profile
Intelligent digital display instrument is applicable to the measurement of electric parameters such as voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor, frequency and four-term limited electric energy in power grid and automatic control system, which are directly displayed by digital tube (LED) or liquid crystal (LCD). It has the characteristics of direct display, high precision, stable performance, strong isolation and anti - vibration. It can be equipped with a variety of extension functions, including RS-485 communication, switch input, switch output report and analog output, etc.
This product is simple in structure, elegant in appearance, stable in performance and easy to install. The state grid standard palise-type wiring terminals are 7.62mm apart.

Ordering example
When ordering, the product type, signal input and function module should be specified.

电源:AC 220V/50Hz;
信号输入:三相四线,AC 3x 220/380V,AC 100A/5A
Example 1
Model: ZRCTK96-3E/2J2K;
Dimension: 96 x 96;
Power supply: AC 220V/50Hz;
Signal input: three-phase four-wire, AC 3x 220/380V, AC 100A/5A
Extended function: 2-way relay output, 2-way switch input
Others: Other factory preset settings (default settings if not specified)

电源:AC 220V/50Hz;
信号输入:AC 1000A/5A
Example 2
Model: ZRCTK72-3AI/3J;
Dimension: 72 *72;
Power supply: AC 220V/50Hz;
Signal input: AC 1000A/5A
Extended function: 3-way relay output
Others: Other factory preset settings (default settings if not specified)

后台监控及能量管理系统  ZRCT S3000 后台监控及能量管理系统
Background Monitoring and Energy Management System
ZRCT S3000 Background Monitoring and Energy Management System

ZRCT S3000 监控系统软件ZRCT S3000 Monitoring System Software
◆  状态量:包括所有断路器、接地刀、直流接地、小电流接地、消谐信号、断路器的各种一、二次设备装置异常、故障及电网事故信号量。
◆  模拟量:使用交流采样采集和计算各电压等级各条线路有功功率、无功功率、电流、电度,各母线电压,系统频率,变压器温度,直流系统电压,站用变电压等。
◆  电度量采集:可采集尖、峰、平、谷各时段的电度量。
Data acquisition: The operation status and parameters of the substation are automatically collected in real time or at regular intervals, and the necessary pre-processing is made. The data can satisfy the functions of dispatching and real-time screen display, tabulation and printing of the main monitoring station in the substation at the same time.
◆  State variables: Including all circuit breakers, grounding knives, DC grounding, small current grounding, harmonic elimination signals, circuit breakers of various primary and secondary equipment abnormalities, faults and Power Grid Accident signals.
◆  Analogs: AC sampling is used to collect and calculate the active power, reactive power, current, electrical degree, bus voltage, system frequency, transformer temperature, dc system voltage and station variable voltage of each line of each voltage level.
◆  Electrical degree acquisition: Electrical degree can be collected at different time points, peaks, levels and valleys.

Control operation: It includes the tripping operation of all voltage class circuit breakers, and all controls have remote, local and emergency tripping and closing control ability.

计算功能:Computing function:
◆  数据库拥有按现场要求的二次计算量:
◆  变压器高压侧负荷率及日平均负荷、最高负荷(年、月、日、时)、最低负荷。变压器停用时间及次数。
◆  统计计算和报表能按用户要求生成周月年或用户自定义的统计时段的统计功能。
◆  各母线电压最高、最低值及电压合格率统计。
◆  电度量累计,失电时有保护措施。
◆  母线电压不合格累积时间及由此计算的电压合格率。
◆  实时数据可在线进行上下限值 历史数据的记录与处理。
◆  日志报表数据库存一年半历史。
◆  可方便的形成各种历史数据点,实现历史数据报表打印和显示修改功能。
◆  The database has the secondary computation required by the site:
◆  High voltage side load rate, daily average load, maximum load (year, month, day, hour), minimum load of transformer. Outage time and times of transformer.
◆  Statistical calculation and reports can generate weekly, monthly and annual statistics or user-defined statistics periods according to user requirements.
◆  Statistics of the highest and lowest voltage of each bus and the qualified voltage rate.
◆  Electrical degree accumulation , there are protective measures when power loss occurs.
◆  Cumulative time of bus voltage nonconformity and the voltage qualification rate calculated thereby.
◆  Real-time data can be recorded and processed online.
◆  The log report database has a history of one and a half years.
◆  Various historical data points can be conveniently formed to realize the printing and display modification function of historical data reports.
安全监视:Security surveillance:
◆  能够通过 CRT 对全站主设备、辅助设备的运行进行监视,并对各运行参数进行实时显示。
◆  系统定期对模拟量检测,越限报警,并可记录和查阅。
◆  系统定期对开关量状态进行检测。
◆  SOE 点有变化立即报警。
◆  有报警信息可在 CRT 上以汉字显示,并在打印机上以汉字打印。
◆  It can monitor the operation of main equipment and auxiliary equipment of the whole station through CRT, and display real-time operation parameters.
◆  The system regularly detects the analog quantity, gives an alarm over the limit, and can record and consult.
◆  The system regularly checks the state of switch variables.
◆  Alarm immediately if SOE point changes.
◆  If there is alarm information, it can be displayed in Chinese characters on the CRT and printed in Chinese characters on the printer.

事件处理:当发生事故、故障、状态变化、越限等事件时,监控系统能自动作一系列处理,如推出简报、登录一览表、发出音响、推出画面、自动事故追忆、画面变色闪烁、数据变色等 , 预告信号应按等级区别处理。
Event handling: When the occurrence of accidents, faults, state changes, beyond the limit and other events, the monitoring system can automatically do a series of processing, such as the launch briefing, login list, issued sound, launch screen, automatic accident recall, screen color flashing, data color, etc .

画面显示Screen display
◆  画面种类包括主接线图、棒状图、曲线图、操作显示、组态显示、报警及各种表格 显示及有关打印。
◆  运行人员可方便地调出画面。  ·画面多级缩放、漫游。  ·程序员可修改和编辑画面。
◆  趋势图可由用户在线定义所要显示模拟量、测点起始时间、采样周期。
◆  Screen types include main wiring diagram, bar diagram, graph, operation display, configuration display, alarm and various forms display and related printing.
◆   Operators can easily adjust the picture. ·Multilevel zooming and roaming. · Programmers can modify and edit the screen.
◆  Trend maps can be defined online by users to display analog quantities, starting time of measurement points, sampling period.
自诊断功能Self-diagnostic function
◆  系统本身具有对软硬件的自诊断功能。
◆  发生局部故障时发出声光报警及故障信息。
◆  自恢复功能。
◆  The system itself has the function of self-diagnosis of hardware and software.
◆  Sound and light alarm and fault information will be sent when local fault occurs.
◆  Self-recovery function.
VQC功能 监控系统应能实现电压无功自动调节功能。电容器为有载调容电容,根据系统的电压无功要求自动调节有载调压抽头和自动投切分组电容器。控制对象保护动作和轻瓦斯动作、闭锁调压和调容由软件来实现,不再由外部开入。变电站监控主机停机或退出不得影响 VQC 功能的正常工作。
Operating personnel record: The system records the operation items performed by the operators and the precise time of each operation.
VQC function, monitoring system should be able to achieve automatic voltage and reactive power regulation function. The capacitor is an on-load capacitance regulating capacitor, which can automatically adjust the on-load voltage regulating tap and automatic switching group capacitor according to the voltage and reactive power requirements of the system. Control object protection action and light gas action, blocking regulating pressure and regulating capacity are realized by software, instead of external  input. The shutdown or withdrawal of substation monitoring mainframe shall not affect the normal operation of VQC function.

系统技术指标System Technical Indicators
软件:系统软件采用 windows 操作系统,多窗口的人机界面,友好的支持软件,数据库管理软件,有丰富运行经验的应用软件。
Software: The system software adopts Windows operating system, multi-window man-machine interface, friendly support software, database management software, and application software with rich operation experience.
计算机系统实时性技术指标:Technical Indicators for Real-time Performance of Computer Systems:
◆  电气模拟量采集周期 2s
◆  非电气模拟量采集周期 2s
◆  状态量采集扫描周期 2s
◆  控制命令响应时间<2s
◆  接收控制命令到执行命令的响应时间<2s
◆  画面响应时间<2s
◆  Electrical analog acquisition cycle 2s
◆  Non-electrical analog acquisition cycle 2s           ◆  State acquisition scan cycle 2S
◆  Control command response time < 2s
◆  Response time from receiving control command to executing command < 2s
◆  Screen response time < 2S

测控单元技术指标:Technical Indicators of Measurement and Control Unit:
◆  交流采样:电流 5A或1A,电压 100V,在 1.2 倍额定值时能精确遥测
◆  A/D 转换误差<0.2%
◆  遥测精度:0.5 级                                                                                      ◆  电能累计容量 216
◆  事件顺序记录(SOE)分辨率<2ms
◆  遥控:空接点,可持续通过 5A 电流,不熄弧
◆  AC sampling: Current 5A or 1A, voltage 100V, accurate telemetry at 1.2 times rating
◆  A/D conversion error < 0.2%.
◆  Telemetry accuracy: Level 0.5.
◆  Accumulated capacity of electric energy 216
◆  Event Sequence Recording (SOE) Resolution < 2ms.
◆  Remote Control: Empty contacts, sustainable through 5A current, no arc extinguishing

可靠性:系统平均无故障时间(MTBF)不小于 20000 小时。间隔级测控单元平均无故障间隔时间大于 50000 小时。
可用率:系统可用率高于 99.99%。
Reliability: The average MTBF of the system is not less than 2000 hours. The average fault-free interval time of interval level measurement and control unit is more than 50000 hours.
Availability: The availability of the system is higher than 99.99%.
Maintainability: The monitoring device is modul arized and the system is easy to expand.
Electrical characteristics: Insulation, anti-interference and other electrical characteristics should conform to national or international standards.

ZRCTC264 通讯管理机
ZRCTC264 Communication Manager
◆  装置具备2组电源(主备使用),电源输入范围:AC/DC 86V - 260V。
◆  CPU采用D2550 64bits 双核四线微处理器,主频1.86GHz。支持 SSE2、SSE3、SSSE3 及 EM64T 计算技术。
◆  内存配置8GB 36-bit,内存采用DDR3-800/1066,数据带宽 6.4GB/S 。
◆  硬盘采用64G DOM电子盘和500G SATA硬盘。
◆  提供VGA接口,显示芯片组采用GMA 3650, 640MHz 异步双显示 ,显存224MB。
◆  提供4个USB接口,2个PS2接口,可接鼠标键盘。
◆  提供6个以太网口,以太网接口采用10/100/1000MBps自适应。
◆  提供18个串口,支持RS232,RS485,RS422,带防雷。
◆  提供4个百兆光纤 ST 接口。
◆  提供IRIG-B对时接口,GPS双输入。
◆  具备126路数字量输入、16路模拟量输入、32路继电器输出扩展接口。数字量输入具有2000V 隔离保护能力,具备防雷隔离。
◆  提供PC104/PCI 扩展接口。
◆  具备MINI-PCIE 扩展接口,能够扩展无线通讯功能,GPRS,WLAN ,还有数据压缩,解压,加密模块功能,此接口上面具备扩展固态存储模块。
◆  内置数据处理通信专用嵌入式操作系统,具备Windows操作系统用于就地显示,内置监控软件,具备各种规约库和SQL数据库,具备IEC61850规约平台。
◆  Device has two sets of power supply (main and standby), power input range: AC/DC 86V - 260V.
◆  CPU adopts D2550 64bits dual-core four-wire microprocessor with main frequency of 1.86 GHz. Support SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3 and EM64T computing technology.
◆  Memory configuration 8 GB 36-bit, RAM: DDR3-800/1066, data bandwidth: 6.4 GB/S.
◆  Hard disk: 64G DOM electronic disk and 500G SATA hard disk.
◆  VGA interface, display chipset: GMA 3650, 640MHz asynchronous dual display, display memory: 224MB.
◆  4 USB interfaces, 2 PS2 interfaces, can connect the mouse keyboard.
◆  6 Ethernet ports. The Ethernet interface adopts 10/100/1000MBps self-adaption.
◆  18 serial ports, support RS232, RS485, RS422, with lightning protection.
◆  4 hundred-MEGA Optical Fiber ST interfaces.
◆  IRIG-B time interface, GPS dual input.
◆  126 digital input channels, 16 analog input channels and 32 relay output expansion interfaces. Digital input has 2000 V isolation and protection capability and lightning protection isolation.
◆  PC104/PCI extension interface.
◆  It is equipped with MINI-PCIE extension interface, which can extend wireless communication function, GPRS, WLAN, and data compression, decompression and encryption module functions. This interface is equipped with extended solid state storage module.
◆ Built-in embedded operating system for data processing and communication, equipped with Windows operating system for on-site display; Built-in monitoring software, with a variety of specifications and SQL database, with the IP 61850 protocol platform.


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