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多功能监控 组合仪表

  • 型号:ZRCTK |
  • 规格:
  • 电力仪表系列产品 多功能监控、组合仪表Electric Power Instrument Series ProductsMultifunctional Monito..

多功能监控 组合仪表_详细介绍

电力仪表系列产品 多功能监控、组合仪表
Electric Power Instrument Series Products
Multifunctional Monitoring and Combination Instrument

Multifunctional Monitoring Instrument

Multi-functional monitoring instrument is a high-performance monitoring instrument, with high precision real-time measurement of power parameters, harmonic measurement, positive and negative active/reactive electrical energy measurement, time-sharing power measurement, time-sharing power timing meter reading, power quality analysis, real-time waveform display, event recording, demand and other functions. In addition, multi-function monitoring instrument is configured with rich input and output reports interface, which can be used for monitoring and control of field equipment status, and also integrates RS-485 communication interface, which can be integrated with various intelligent distribution systems and energy management systems to share rich monitoring data and power quality data.
Multifunctional monitoring instrument has a very high cost performance ratio. It can directly replace conventional power transmitters, measuring instruments, energy meters and related auxiliary units. It has a wide range of applications, such as energy management system, power monitoring system, industrial and mining enterprises, public facilities, intelligent buildings and switchgear distribution network systems.

性能特点 Performance characteristics
◆ 高精度测量三相电压、三相电流、有功功率、无功功率、视在功率、功率因数、频率等电参量;
◆ 正反向有功/无功电能计量;
◆ 分时电能计量、分时电能定时抄表;
◆ 测量三相电压、三相电流的总谐波畸变率(THD),2-31次奇次谐波分量;
◆ 提供数码管或液晶显示,本地数据查询;
◆ 菜单直观,按键操作简单;
◆ 电流、电压变比可编程;
◆ 提供多回路控制节点,可用于报警、跳闸等控制;
◆ 支持消防联动,远程切断故障回路;
◆ 支持RS-485通讯, Modbus-RTU协议;
◆ 支持开关量输入、开关量输岀、模拟量变送输出、电能脉冲输出;
◆ 安装方便,接线简单,工程量小;
◆ 宽范围交直流通用电源:AC/DC 80V~270V;
◆ 可完成 SCADA、PLC中多种通讯软件的组网。
◆ High-precision measurement of three-phase voltage, three-phase current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor, frequency and other electrical parameters;
◆ Positive and reverse active/reactive electrical energy metering;
◆ Time-sharing electric energy metering, time-sharing electric energy timing meter reading;
◆ Measure the total harmonic distortion rate (THD) of three-phase voltage and three-phase current,2-31 odd harmonic components;
◆ Provide digital tube or LCD display, local data query;
◆ The menu is intuitive and the key operation is simple.
◆ Current and voltage ratio can be programmed;
◆ Provide multi-loop control nodes, which can be used for alarm, trip control, etc.
◆ Supporting fire fighting linkage and remotely disconnecting fault circuit;
◆ Support RS-485 communication, Modbus-RTU protocol;
◆ Support switching input, switching output, analog output and power pulse output;
◆ Easy installation, simple wiring, small amount of work;
◆ Wide range AC/DC universal power supply: AC/DC 80V~270V;
◆ It can complete the networking of various communication software in SCADA and PLC.

GB/T 22264.1-2008       安装式数字显示电测量仪表第1部分:
GB/T 22264.7-2008       安装式数字显示电测量仪表第7部分:
GB/T 22264.8-2008       安装式数字显示电测量仪表第8部分:
GB/T 17215.322-2008    交流电测量设备一特殊要求-第22部
GB/T 17215.323-2008    交流电测量设备一特殊要求-第23部
DL/T 614-2007                多功能电能表
GB14287-2005                电气火灾监控系统
GB50045-95                    高层民用建筑设计防火规范
GB50054-95                    低压配电设计规范
GB50096                          住宅设计规范
GB13955-2005               剩余电流动作保护装置的安装和运行
GB50016-2006               建筑设计防火规范

Product Standards
GB/T 22264.1-2008 installed digital display electrical measuring instruments Part 1:
Definition and general requirements
GB/T 22264.7-2008 installed digital display electrical measuring instruments Part 7:
Special requirements for multifunctional instruments
GB/T 22264.8-2008 installed digital display electrical measuring instruments Part 8:
Recommended parallel test method
GB/T 17215.322-2008 special requirements for ac measuring equipment - Part 22:
Static active electrical energy meter (0.2s and 0.5s)
GB/T 17215.323-2008 special requirements for ac measuring equipment - Part 23:
Static reactive electrical energy meter (levels 2 and 3)
DL/T 614-2007 Multifunctional electric energy meter
GB14287-2005 electrical fire monitoring system
Code for fire protection of high-rise civil architecture design GB50045-95
Design specification for low voltage distribution GB50054-95
GB50096 residential design code
Installation and operation of residual current action protection device GB13955-2005
Code for fire protection of building design GB50016-2006

Note:The optional expansion function is the maximum number of functions that can be extended. If you have special order requirements, please negotiate with our technical department to solve them.

Ordering example
When ordering, the product type, signal input and function module should be specified.

电源:AC 220V/50Hz;
信号输入:三相四线,AC 3x220/380V,AC 100A/5A
Example 1
Model: ZRCT42-3E;
Dimension: 120x120;
Power supply: AC 220V/50Hz;
Signal input: three-phase four-wire, AC 3x220/380V, AC 100A/5A
Others: Other factory preset settings (default settings if not specified)

电源:AC 220V/50Hz;
信号输入:三相三线,AC 10kV/100V,AC 1000A/5A
Example 2
Model: ZRCT96-3E/Y;
Dimension: 96x96;
Power supply: AC 220V/50Hz;
Signal input: three-phase three-wire, AC 10kV/100V, AC 1000A/5A
Others: Other factory preset settings (default settings if not specified)

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